Friends of St Peter's

Welcome to FOSP’s (Friends of St Peter’s), the St Peter’s Community Primary School PTFA.

The FOSP’s are a friendly group of people comprised of parents, teachers and friends of the school who help to raise money for the items that the school budget can’t provide.  Our fundraising helps to make our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.  With the Government cuts to school budgets, the money we raise is needed more now than ever before, to help with essentials as well as the extras.

We also support the school when needed at activities/events and we provide a support framework for new parents at the school, as well as for current parents.

There are many ways you can help and it doesn't need to be on a regular basis.  There are always little jobs that can be done from home if you have some time you can spare and this is especially helpful in the run up to events.  We also always need helpers at the events we run!  Please contact us if you can offer some help.

We hold regular meetings at the school, so if you would like to take part, please contact the school office. We can't achieve what we do without the fantastic team of parents and carers that help with FOSP’s so please come out if you can, we'd love to see you.  Volunteering is a great way to make new friends and to support our school community - it's good fun too!


FOSPs have funded lots of resources for our school! 

  • First aid rucksacks to transport first aid supplies more easily on outings
  • A new beach hut to add a fourth storage space to our Key Stage 2 library
  • A variety of books and literacy resources for all ages across the school
  • Blackout blinds for the Year 3 classroom so the children can see the whiteboard clearly
  • FOSPs have also helped to fund lots of our curriculum subscriptions and special events

See the photos below of some of these resources.  Thank you FOSPs!  Your support as parents is vital and does not always need to be financial support, of course.  We appreciate parents' and carers' time and participation in lots of ways so please do get in touch with FOSPs - if your child attends our school, you are already a Friend of St Peter's!





Friends of St Peter's

Welcome to FOSP’s (Friends of St Peter’s), the St Peter’s Community Primary School PTFA.

The FOSP’s are a friendly group of people comprised of parents, teachers and friends of the school who help to raise money for the items that the school budget can’t provide.  Our fundraising helps to make our children’s learning experiences so much more fulfilling and exciting.  With the Government cuts to school budgets, the money we raise is needed more now than ever before, to help with essentials as well as the extras.

We also support the school when needed at activities/events and we provide a support framework for new parents at the school, as well as for current parents.

There are many ways you can help and it doesn't need to be on a regular basis.  There are always little jobs that can be done from home if you have some time you can spare and this is especially helpful in the run up to events.  We also always need helpers at the events we run!  Please contact us if you can offer some help.

We hold regular meetings at the school, so if you would like to take part, please contact the school office. We can't achieve what we do without the fantastic team of parents and carers that help with FOSP’s so please come out if you can, we'd love to see you.  Volunteering is a great way to make new friends and to support our school community - it's good fun too!


FOSPs have funded lots of resources for our school! 

  • First aid rucksacks to transport first aid supplies more easily on outings
  • A new beach hut to add a fourth storage space to our Key Stage 2 library
  • A variety of books and literacy resources for all ages across the school
  • Blackout blinds for the Year 3 classroom so the children can see the whiteboard clearly
  • FOSPs have also helped to fund lots of our curriculum subscriptions and special events

See the photos below of some of these resources.  Thank you FOSPs!  Your support as parents is vital and does not always need to be financial support, of course.  We appreciate parents' and carers' time and participation in lots of ways so please do get in touch with FOSPs - if your child attends our school, you are already a Friend of St Peter's!